Idrisu Ali grimaces he sent his 12-year-old daughter, Fatima, away to live with a 65-year-old man as he recalls the day

Idrisu Ali grimaces he sent his 12-year-old daughter, Fatima, away to live with a 65-year-old man as he recalls the day

Even though the training is typical in Nigeria’s remote northern state of Bauchi, Ali would not feel completely confident with the thought of offering their little girl’s hand in wedding – to a guy of sufficient age to be her grandfather.

“I became unfortunate because he had been too old. I needed her to marry somebody younger, state 55 or 50 because he might take care of her for a significantly longer time before he dies. But he had been a effective farmer in the town and then he paid an excellent dowry, ” says Ali inside the rundown shack in Bauchi, their state money. Read more